To whom it may concern,
My name is Nathan Gunning and am the current owner of the Wholstrom Psychiatric Institute. The facility has been abandoned for several decades now; however, something in that building is still alive. You see, back in the 1960’s there was a doctor by the name of Anthony Pender who, for unknown reason, snapped one day. He went on an infamous killing spree through the hospital halls before taking his own life. Since then, the amount of paranormal activity has been on the rise.
Recently, a pair of police officers were searching the building for two brothers who went missing near the asylum. Neither was seen again besides a giant pool of blood in the lobby. In an effort to uncover what is happening within these walls, I hired a group of paranormal investigators to see what conclusions they could come to. They, too, met an unsettling fate.
I would like to know what is going on inside my asylum. If you are the kind of person who shows no fear, please let me know. I can grant you access to the asylum to uncover the truth.
Thank you,
Nathan Gunning
Asylum of Fear is a feature horror/thriller being release worldwide January 9th, 2018 through Gravitas Ventures on VOD, Streaming, Blu-ray, and DVD. Produced by Evil Iguana Productions based out of Chicago, it was directed by Craig Deering and stars Maurice Demus, Callie Stephens, James Doherty, Michael Medford, and Allen Murphy.
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