A delicious blend of both dark comedy and thriller, “Bad Sisters” follows the lives of the Garvey sisters, who are bound together by the premature death of their parents and a promise to always protect one another. The series stars Sharon Horgan, Anne-Marie Duff (“Suffragette,” “The Salisbury Poisonings”), Eva Birthistle (“Brooklyn,” “The Last Kingdom”), Sarah Greene (“Frank of Ireland,” “Dublin Murders”), Eve Hewson (“Behind her Eyes,” “The Luminaries”), and Claes Bang (“Dracula“).
Bad Sisters Cast and Crew
Cast: Sharon Horgan, Anne-Marie Duff, Eva Birthistle, Sarah Greene, Eve Hewson, Claes Bang, Brian Gleeson, Daryl McCormack, Saise Quinn, Michael Smiley
Writers: Karen Cogan, Ailbhe Keogan, Daniel Cullen, Perrie Balthazar, Paul Howard, Dave Finkel, Brett Baer
Directors: Dearbhla Walsh, Josephine Bornebusch, Rebecca Gatward
Executive Producers: Sharon Horgan, Brett Baer, Dave Finkel, Malin-Sarah Gozin, Faye Dorn, Clelia Mountford, Bert Hamelinck, Dearbhla Walsh, Michael Sagol
Bad Sisters – Coming August 19th to APPLE TV+