I’ve been really bad lately about adding reviews to the site. In fact, before today the last time I posted a review was late November. That’s terrible, and it’s about to change.
Ironically, back in November, producer Mariana Zani reached out to us to tell us about a short film written and directed by Joel Caetano called ENCOSTO. I watched it way back then but I’m just finally getting around to putting my review on the site. My apologies for the delay.
ENCOSTO is a creepy Brazilian short film about black magic… and it’s awesome. It has screened in over 70 festivals in over 20 countries, and tells the story of a man who, after making a voodoo ritual, has to pay a high price for his desires. It has a running time of just 7 minutes but in that time it does some incredible things. The full film is embedded at the end of this post and I’m not going to bother going into a plot summary for a 7 minute movie. I’d urge you to watch it for yourself.
That being said, this is a movie “review” so I’m going to give you my thoughts. ENCOSTO looks amazing. The folks behind the camera clearly know what they’re doing as the angles, lighting and sound is top notch. Caetano’s acting here, especially in the first “black magic” scene is spot on. I’m not into, stuff, that makes you all paranoid, but I’ve been around some folks who were and this is played to perfection. The facial expressions and eye movement is perfect.
The final “effect” here is simply tremendous. It’s got a nice mix of the Devil and for you Spider-Man fans, Venom. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, ENCOSTO is a strong recommend. Give it a watch below and leave us a comment with your thoughts!
To learn more about ENCOSTO check out the links below:
- Official site: www.rzpfilmes.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/rzpfilmes
- Twitter: @rzpfilmes
Give them a like and a follow and tell em ScareTissue sent you. Check out the full film below!