Everlasting is an upcoming thriller / horror film written and directed by Anthony Stabley. It tells the story of a high school filmmaker who travels from Colorado to Los Angeles to confront a serial killer responsible for the murder of his girlfriend. The film jumps through time and intermixes past memories, real time clips and stylish pictorials to tell its story.
Everlasting stars Valentina de Angelis (The Midnight Game), Adam David (The Stranger in Us) and featuring… SAG Award Winner Elisabeth Rohm (American Hustle) Pat Healy (Cheap Thrills) Robert LaSardo (The Human Centipede III) Bai Ling (The Crow) Cortney Palm (Sushi Girl).
“There’s a value in making something real and thought-provoking.”
Check out the Everlasting trailer here.
If that wasn’t enough for you check out some production stills and cast photos below.
Everlasting Production Stills
I’ll be watching / reviewing shortly. Until then you can get more information on Everlasting at the following links:
- Official Site: www.everlastingamovie.com
- Director Anthony Stabley Officials Site: www.anthonystabley.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/everlastingamovie
- Twitter: @supergrande
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