February 11, 2025

Help Conjure The Jaakhin In 2015

(According to spititualliving360.com) The generic types of ghosts as identified by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation in ascending order of hierarchy as well as power and strength are:

  • Common ghost
  • Demons
  • Black serpent
  • Female goblin
  • Jaakhin
  • Witch
  • Spirit
  • Subtle sorcerer

As a horror fan, I am ashamed to say that I did not know there was a hierarchy of  ghosts.  I am even more ashamed to say that I did not know what a Jaakhin even was until I got an email from Director Steven M. Smith about his upcoming film The Jaakhin (currently funding through Indiegogo).

The Jaakhin Poster

A Jaakhin is a female demon that possesses humans to complete “tasks” of its will.  A Jaakhin chooses its inhabitants based upon its own experiences during life (i.e. abused women/children, downtrodden fathers, etc.).  A perfect way to describe a Jaakhin in film would be Bathsheba in The Conjuring.  Bathsheba wasn’t the only ghost in the house:  She was just the highest ranking and most powerful ghost.

Much like Bathsheba, the Jaakhin in this movie is attempting to possess a mother and have her kill her first born child.  The TEASER has gone viral already:  It’s had more than 22,000 views in 3 days.

Steven M. Smith is the CEO of Greenway Entertainment.  Greenway Entertainment has been producing and filming horror movies for over 8 years.  Prior to founding Greenway Entertainment, Smith worked on such movies as Four Weddings and a Funeral, Essex Boys, and many others.  In 2005, he wrote, produced, and directed the short film Time of Her Life.  It was shown at Cannes 2005, Edinburgh 2005 Film Festival, and Chelmer Film Festival .

The film stars Brigitte Millar (David is Dying, Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix) as the Jaakhin.  She will be torturing a couple played by James Darby and Alice Maguire.  The priest that will be helping them is veteran actor Neil Dickson.  The film promises many original and gory deaths with an exclusive new make up technique provided by Hannah Palmer.

As always, the perks for donations are pretty good.  For 5£ ($8.25), you get a “small” shoutout on will get emails updating you on the movie (I’m assuming this is a tweet.  There’s another shoutout available at 10£ ($16.50) for “you, your page, or your company” that I will probably tie in all of the social media aspects.).  20£ ($33.00) gets you the big shoutout as well as 3 digital downloads of Greenway Entertainment’s films (including the Jaakhin when it’s released).  The perk that is most interesting to me  is the advanced screening in June (The Jaakhin is not due out until l2015.) for 30£ ($50.00).  There’s skype calls with the director  and cast on set.  There’s lunch with the director in London.  You can even be killed onscreen by the Jaakhin (3000£ or $5000)!

You can contribute to the Jaakhin on Indiegogo.com, and follow the latest news on Twitter (@TheJaakin), Facebook (thejaakhin), or at www.greenwayentertainment.com or at www.bttm.co.uk.  The art is awesome, and the trailer and cover art both look great.  I’m excited for this movie!


I love horror movies, and I have since I was young. My favorite genre is the zombie genre, but it has completely been overdone in the last few years. I'm not a big fan of the horror movie formula, and I love it when a director turns it on its head. Please follow me on twitter (@_trapjaw_) and like me on facebook (scaretissuetrapjaw) for updates and to be immediately informed of new posts/projects.

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