I realized this morning that I never got around to writing my recap of HorrorHound Weekend in Indianapolis. Pip and I were in attendance and had an absolute blast. There were a SLEW of celebrities in attendance including David Aquette, Pam Grier, Michael Rooker, Tom Holland, Tony Todd. Robert Kurtzman and many more. I was bummed that Barry Bostwick had to pull out at the last moment due to a work conflict but such is life.
HorrorHound Weekend 2016
We started first with Mask-Fest which is always a great time. I don’t think we expected to, but we spent a TON of time in this room checking out masks, talking with vendors and generally having a blast. I’m always blown away by the skill of the vendors. Some truly astonishing work!
From there we checked out the various other rooms where vendors, celebrity signings and photo opps were taking place. I tell you, I’ve been to HororHound several times and it just keeps getting better from a logistical perspective. I’m not sure how many years they’ve been at the Marriott now, but at least from an outsider’s perspective it seems like a very well oiled machine.
I think it’s fair to say that we’ll be circling this weekend on our calendars as soon as the dates are announced. We had a great time as always and I’m already looking forward to attending again next year.
Special thanks to the folks at HorrorHound for providing us press passes to attend the event!