Dread’s latest horror film is titled Bag of Lies and follows Matt, who is desperate to save his dying wife and turns to The Bag, an ancient relic with dark magic. The cure demands a chilling ritual and strict rules. As his wife heals, Matt’s sanity unravels, facing terrifying consequences. Matt is played by actor Patrick Taft, whose previous credits include Ruthless, Wildfire and Under the Surface.
We sat down with Patrick and discussed his involvement with Bag of Lies, which is available now on VOD. The below interview contains SPOILERS from the film.
Patrick Taft Interview
How did you first get connected with Bag of Lies?
David James cast me in one of my first short films when I was 23-year-old college dropout in Cincinnati. We had rapport off the bat, but were also able to be honest with each other when one of us had a shitty idea. And we both have plenty of those. Match made in heaven.
What did you do to get into the mind of your character, Matt?
Matt’s a dark dude with a traumatic past. I’d love to be privileged enough to say I can’t relate, but I’ve certainly had my shit. Luckily, there are some incredible people/techniques out there to help you deal with it and move on. It kind of felt like I was guiding a younger brother through a journey I had recently been on myself. I had so much compassion for someone that just couldn’t accept difficult realities, and chose to reject them. The universe can be brutal, but you don’t get to tell it it’s wrong. Ever. Matt learns that the hard way.
Was there any of your own personality that went into your character?
I can certainly be cynical and sarcastic, and I’m no stranger to rage. I’ve learned to stop rejecting that about myself. But I’m not sure Matt is fully aware of just how volatile he is. He thinks he’s above that kind of vulnerability. He’s a smart guy, but even the smartest people in the world can be tricked.
What was the most difficult scene in Bag of Lies for you to film? Why?
Just after Claire’s death, I snap on Harold because he won’t help me move her. He can’t take any more, and his brain short circuits. I felt the weight of that hard, and I had to take a break on set. I’m not method by any means, but I felt Matt’s pain in my bones in that scene.
David Andrew James directed Bag of Lies and was also one of the writers of the film. In your acting experience, when a director also wrote the project, is there a different vibe on set?
He was an even bigger controlling prick than usual. Just Joshin! David let us all have some leeway with our characters. If something didn’t feel truthful or connected in the dialogue or the action, we were free to talk it out with him. He never took anything personally. He was there to make a good movie. In an industry full of egos, that’s exceptionally rare.
Can you talk about your relationship with actress Brandi Botkin, who plays your wife in the film. You two have a lot of very heavy scenes together. Before the camera would role, what did your conversations with her sound like?
I’ve worked with Brandi many times, both on stage and screen. In our first stage role together, I played an abusive, drunken husband suffering from PTSD post WW2. I did everything from burp in her face to slap her across the room (using safe stage combat tactics of course). Obviously, we eased into it, and developed trust and rapport over time. We really never had issues communicating. We trust each other and our coordinators/directors. She’s a pro, and one hell of a talented actress.
How was your experience filming Bag of Lies different from other horror projects you have worked on?
I’ve really only acted in one short that almost fits this genre. It’s much more of a slow-burn psychological thriller (called Strange Attractor). Brandi was also in that one with me! We had a blast on that as well, but Bag of Lies was much heavier source material. Just about everyone knows someone that’s dealt with cancer, whether it’s affected your family or not. There’s a tremendous responsibility there. We tried to honor that as best we could.
Is there anything else you would like people to know about your time making Bag of Lies?
We want you to have a damn good time! But we also want you to think. About loved ones, destiny, sorrow, rage….We all reject reality from time to time. Life can be so painful and unfair, how could we not? Just stare at the ceiling for a couple hours after watching this. Is that a pretentious ask? Sorry.
What horror film has made the biggest impression on you? Why?
The Fly. Goldblum is so underappreciated. What a masterful descent into madness.