Post production has begun and the official trailer has been released for the film Rainy Season, based on the story by Stephen King
Senoia, GA October 3, 2016 – Post production has begun on Rainy Season. The film was shot in August in and around Senoia. The film stars Brian Ashton Smith (Joyful Noise, Nashville (TV), Army Wives (TV) Anne-Marie Kennedy (Son of Clowns) Kermit Rolison (Swamp Murders, Osiris) and Jan Mary Nelson (The Penny, Drop Dead Diva (TV).
The story follows a young couple who travel to the town of Willow, ME during the summer of 1976. After warnings from town locals to leave, they stay and learn the horrific price the town must pay for prosperity. The Rainy Season has come back to Willow and when it rains…they pour.
The film still needs your help. The producers have set up a post production fund through gofundme. They have launched this campaign during Breast Cancer Awareness month and have vowed to donate 10% of all funds collected to SAIH Southeastern Assistance and Healthcare through Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Donations can be made at
The producers are scheduling a screening March 18, 2017 to showcase the film alongside other independent short films. Tickets are available at
For more information about Rainy Season check out the following links:
- Official Site:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @rainyseasonfilm
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