February 15, 2025

Scarred (2013) – Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds

There are certain things that a good slasher flick has to have. That list includes things like great looking gore, great looking girls, a menacing killer and lots and lots of blood. I’m thrilled to say that Scarred written and directed by Eddie Lengyel has them all.


Scarred is a throwback to the ‘80s Horror Genre with its “in your face kills” provided by its six foot Jason’esk type killer, Jonah Kandie. The story takes place in modern day, with the owner of a modeling agency, Faye Ambler (played by Justine Greenwald) has been propositioned by a wealthy upper echelon, George Sanders, whose son is a nature photographer and is looking for his dad to give him a break in the fashion world.

Faye sends four of her girls to Wolf Ledges for the shoot, since it is known for its quiet and rural nature. Faye feels this remote resort would be perfect for a newbie nature photographer to practice his new craft. As the story unfolds, the models, their chaperone “Bo” (who happens to be Faye’s nephew), and Brodie the photographer, have a run-in with a couple of townies and are ultimately warned of the Kandies. Needless to say the group is not buying it and they go along with a blatant disregard to the warning, finally succumbing to their fate one by one as expected by the wrath of no other than Jonah Kandie.

Scarred features the “First Jason Vorhees” Ari Lehman, Playboy Model Lisa Neeld along with Janine Bowles Sarnowski, Carl Ferrara, Don Kilrain and an aspiring cast that really put forth a solid effort in their performances in this film written and directed by Eddie Lengyel.

Scarred Thoughts & Recommendation

As I said in my intro there are certain elements that a great slasher film has to have and Scarred has them all in spades. The story is straight forward enough to follow and has a cast that does a great job even if I had a hard time keeping some of their names straight in my head. There are a couple of times when characters don’t react in what I’d consider the “right” way to being placed in the situations they are in but I was able to get past that. I don’t know about you but when a girl I’m with turns up murdered I’m not going to calmly walk back to camp and tell the others. But I digress…

Scarred (2013) Alt

There are some rock solid horror performances here that really bring me back to the mid 80’s slashers that I simply adore. And the gore! It’s top notch. The effects here aren’t over the top and they look legit. Highest praise to he effects folks that worked on the film. Bravo. Cuts, scrapes and tears… oh my. We get a killer who loves to user hammers, knives, chainsaws and more to great effect. The ladies are smoking hot and we get some gratuitous skin thrown in for good measure which really drives home the 80’s slasher feel.

The killer, Jonah Kandie, is one of those characters that’s clearly molded after the Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers of the world. He’s big, bulky, sadistic and unwavering in the terror he inflicts. I can only hope that we’ll get to see him again in a sequel.

It’s not a perfect film… far from it. There are audio issues throughout where it’s difficult to make out what characters are saying and as I said before there are times when you just want to yell, “What… the… FUCK!!!” at the screen at the top of your lungs. That said, it was a fun movie that I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

If that wasn’t enough to get me excited (it was) this film was shot entirely in and around my home town of Cleveland, Ohio. Not only that, but within the first couple of minutes I clearly saw the exterior of my all time favorite watering hole, The Annex Bar & Grille. Seeing as some of the principals are local I’m going to try and get some time for an interview – perhaps at The Annex? Stay tuned!

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Scarred gets the strongest of recommends from me. If you’re looking for a bloody good time with some T & A, a great looking killer and that throwback slasher feel over this Halloween weekend I’d definitely give it a try.

You can find more information about Scarred at the following links:

Give them a like and a follow and tell em ScareTissue sent you. If you watch it this weekend let me know what you think in the comments below!


I've been a fan of horror and slasher movies for as long as I can remember. I consider the original Halloween to be the best horror movie of all time and my guilty pleasure horror flick would be The Exorcist III. You can find me on X at @406Northlane or TikTok @406Northlane where I'm sure I'll offend you at least once a day.

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