February 8, 2025

Skinless (2013) – Low Budget Horror Reminds To Use Rats First!

I’ll admit I’m not only a sucker for movie cover art but basically begin my search for a movie to watch based off what I see on the cover art. Before you lose all respect in me as a reviewer, let me tell that I do research the film before I watch it. The movie Skinless (also known as The Ballad of Skinless Petehad a definite creepiness that screamed cheesy and gory. Also the cover art reminded me of fried pork you order with sweet and sour sauce at a Chinese all you can eat buffet. When I looked online and started to read other reviewers take on the movie Skinless I decided I’d give it a shot. I’m glad I did!

Skinless (2013)

Skinless is a low budget $2,000 independent film that director Dustin Mills (also one of the writers along with Brandon Salkil) made great simply by using what is priceless… IMAGINATION. He showed not only his writing and directing talents, but also he was the main character in the film, staring as Dr. Peter Peele. Alongside Dustin Mills were 3 other talented actors Erin R. Ryan (Dr. Alice Cross), Dave Parker (Neil) and Allison Egan (Olivia as Allison Fitzgerald).

Dr. Peter Peele and his associate Dr. Alison Cross have been working side by side to come up with a cure for cancer. When the two stumble upon a vaccination that possibly cures skin cancer Dr. Peele and Dr. Cross seek further funding for their project. One evening Dr. Peele decides to take the vaccination on his own and finds his skin completely cleared. As hours goes by however things begin to go horribly wrong and the outcome that precedes the days ahead for Dr. Peele become a bloody… melting… skin bath.

Skinless is fun, gory and has a tad bit of gushy love. The movie definitely reminds me of just how important it is to never use my body as a test subject. Use rats first people! Use rats first!

You can find more info about Skinless at the following links:

Have you seen Skinless? Leave a comment with your thoughts!


I'm Pandora lover of art, music, gaming & movies. Raised in a Christian home I was a closet horror movie fan as a kid in the 80's. Playing light as feather...stiff as a board...but always afraid to say Bloody Mary more than twice in the mirror. Writing has always been a passion of mine & with the inspiration of my favorite film critic & writer Scott Weinberg (@scottEweinberg) I started diving in using Twitter to post 140 character word #Filmreview posts. Now I've been given this great opportunity with Scaretissue.com to bring you full reviews & I couldn't be more excited!

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