I recently caught the trailer to Mile Marker Seven and was immediately hooked. The film looks to be a cross of Evil Dead and the Thing. As there is no official description for the film on IMDB or Facebook, I’m quite intrigued as well. It’s currently seeking distribution, and I’m hoping to see it by the end of the year. The film stars Eric Roberts (also in the upcoming Human Centipede 3), Theresa June-Tao, Ian Roberts, and the up and coming Jamie Bernadette.
Jamie Bernadette is a midwest actress (Illinois) making a name for herself on the west coast. You’ve seen in her in Toyota commercials, comedies, and a ton of horror films (Reel Evil, Axeman at Cutter’s Creek, and the upcoming The Bunnyman Massacre). According to her official website (jamiebernadette.com), “Jamie’s recent work includes The 6th Friend, a feature-length horror film that she wrote and produced. Jamie stars alongside Dominique Swain (Lolita, Alpha Dog). Jamie is currently filming in State of Desolation, starring alongside Craig Stark (Django Unchained) and acting with a strong supporting cast including Daniel Buran (True Blood), Jessica Morris (One Life to Live) and Maria Olsen (Paranormal Activity 3).” You can follow Jamie on twitter at @jamiebernadett.
Scaretissue is proud to present Jamie Bernadette
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions.
SCARETISSUE: You have quite the resume and quite a broad range of work (from horror to comedy and even national television commercials). What draws you to horror films in particular?
JAMIE: I’ve always loved horror since I was a kid and it is the most popular genre of film so apparently I’m not alone. I love the survival aspect of horror, watching and thinking about what I would do in the same circumstance. I think we as people like to problem solve, to think of ways out of complicated situations, and I think we also like to be surprised and startled, jolting us out of the monotony that sometimes creeps its way into our lives.
SCARETISSUE: What is your favorite horror film?
JAMIE: I love “The Descent”, which features an all-female cast who are strong characters. The film inspired me to write my feature horror film “The 6th Friend”, which is now in post-production. My film also tells the story of strong females in a precarious situation. So often we see the “Cinderella Factor” in film and books, where the male character swoops in to save the female. Though there is nothing wrong with this, it’s nice to have a change and see the women saving themselves for once.
SCARETISSUE: You play Kelly in the upcoming film The Bunnyman Massacre. With 2011’s Bunnyman being such a surprise cult favorite, what can we expect out of the sequel?
JAMIE: The film is super bloody and gruesome! There are A LOT of very gory deaths. Carl Lindbergh, the writer/director, is a creative mastermind of horror. I had such a blast working with him and everyone else who was a part of this production. The film aired on Chiller Channel in April. It comes out on DVD in August.
SCARETISSUE: Mile Marker Seven comes out tentatively later this year (starring Eric Roberts, Ian Roberts, and yourself). The trailer looks phenomenal, and seems to be an isolation film with demons. Care to elaborate?
JAMIE: Yes, the trailer is phenomenal and so is the film! I’m so excited about this movie. I can’t give away too much about the plot because there are some surprises, but the synopsis of the film says, “David, an independent oil contractor, on the brink of semi-retirement, is proposed by his friend, and former business partner, Barry, with the opportunity of a lifetime. Everything is going just as they wished for, but what they don’t realize is, while they are hunting oil, someone, or something is hunting them”.
SCARETISSUE: Scaretissue.com is sponsoring the Eerie Horror Film Festival this October. Eric Roberts is scheduled to appear. (You should come too.) Are you on the festival circuit?
JAMIE: You know, I really haven’t been to too many festivals yet. A lot of my films already have distribution so come right out in theaters or on DVD. But that will all change with “The 6th Friend” and the horror film I’m acting in now “State of Desolation”, as there are plans to put both into festivals even though there is already interest from several distribution companies.