The Lake is a supernatural thriller written and directed by Elgin Cahill. It stars Jonathan Lipnicki (Jerry Maguire), JP Dayton, Ava Dalgaard, Anja Knebl & Stephen Kramer Glickman (Big Time Rush).
The Lake Synopsis
Tabitha Dalca is the new girl in town. When she catches the eye of local football hero Mason Clay, she gets on the bad side of high school cheer leading captain, Blair Preston, Mason’s “off-again” ex. In a cruel gesture of fake friendship, Blair and her cheer leading squad lure Tabitha up to the lake for drinks and a late night swim. They leave Tabitha drugged, drunk and stranded. Blair calls Wyatt and Charlie, a couple of local good-old boys, and tells them that Tabitha wants to party. Things quickly get rough and out of control… and Wyatt and Charlie drag Tabitha’s dead body into the lake. Drina, Tabitha’s creepy and reclusive Romanian aunt, performs an ancient Gypsy ceremony to bring Tabitha back to life, to take revenge on those who betrayed her.
The trailer (below) is pretty outstanding. The film looks like it has elements of Urban Legend, I Spit On Your Grave and A Nightmare On Elm Street.
For more information on The Lake check out the official site at