February 15, 2025

‘The Boy’ (2019) – Monsters Aren’t Only in the Movies


In 1988 police raided Victor Salva’s home and discovered a slew of VHS video tapes which contained child pornography, some of which featured Nathan. Following a confession and conviction Salva would serve 15-18 months out of a three year sentence on only the most minor charges. Four out of a total eleven.

After thirty years of relative silence Nathan Forrest Winters is ready to tell his story on his own terms. For two weeks director Connar Frazier sat with Nathan in a motel room and documented his story on film, a both exhausting and rewarding experience. Since the beginning Winters and Frazier have sought to make a new kind of cinematic experience, and they believe they have done that with The Boy. Drawing from the story of Victor Salva’s secret tapes, this story of six years of abuse will be relayed on a series of tapes and other forms of media which will make the viewing of this work a unique experience for its audience. Individuals will be submersed in this never before told account in a new and original way.

Release of the tapes will begin on October 31st. Please message the production at www.facebook.com/nathanwintersfilm or email them at cinemagorillafilms@gmail.com to learn more about purchasing.

A Note From The Filmmaker Behind The Boy

On behalf of the entire team behind The Boy thank you all for donating, raising awareness and offering your support these last two years. We couldn’t have done it without you and look forward to releasing this project to you. 


I've been a fan of horror and slasher movies for as long as I can remember. I consider the original Halloween to be the best horror movie of all time and my guilty pleasure horror flick would be The Exorcist III. You can find me on X at @406Northlane or TikTok @406Northlane where I'm sure I'll offend you at least once a day.

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