Title: Treasure Hunt Massacre
- IMDB#: 3850062
- Theater Release:
- VOD Release:
- DVD Release:
- Director: Joe Guinan
- Cast: Tara Rice, Robert Miano, Joe Guinan, Gia Bay, Silvia Spross
- Studio: A1uc
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- Plot Summary: A college professor is given a treasure map by a student from the pirate days explaining buried gold treasure in the mountains of Abq, New Mexico. The professor gets permission from the college dean and with a group of students goes after the treasure, for the hunt of their life time.
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Felix Jerry Droz playing as the Professor was the best actor of them all . There’s no question he was the main lead in this movie and easily should replace, Tara Rice, Robert Miano, Joe Guinan, Gia Bay, Silvia Spross as the absolute best actor
You might of seen the previews because actually this movie was never released. The reason being was either a monetary issue or that from what i heard the Producer had ended the production for reasons that are unknown.
There were some previews of him but the full length movie was never out . Your right, Felix should of been number one on the cast . Sounds like the Producers really screwed this one up .
What movie ? I never saw any previews or any such movie .
Doesn’t look like this film was ever released.