February 8, 2025

We Are Not Alone Shows Viewers How They Can Make Contact With UFOs

Now that it is more widely accepted that we are NOT alone, We Are Not Alone strives to resonate with a mainstream audience. The film follows presenter – Emmy-award nominated investigative filmmaker and reality TV star Serena DC – and expert contributors including Dr Steven Greer, Jaques Valle, Danny Sheehan, Andrea Perron, Paola Harris, Adam Curry, Jimmy Church and Sid Goldberg – as they set out to discover the true nature of encounters with extraterrestrial visitors and how people can increase their chances of making contact.

We Are Not Alone Poster - Landscape

With the recent and ongoing government UFO hearings and as UFO belief crests in America, this documentary that charts a journey of UFO contact discovery is timely, and we’d love to send a screener if you’re interested in taking a look.

We Are Not Alone searches for answers concerning UFOs – who they are, why they are visiting our planet, how we can communicate with them, and what they can teach us about ourselves – and strives to teach the many methods that experts use to make contact with UFOs.

In addition to UFO discovery, We Are Not Alone is a call to action for all humanity to step up and protect life on our own planet as much as it is an exploration of life from other planets. Check out the OFFICIAL TRAILER.

Logline: The question whether we are alone in the universe has remained the number one question in the minds of humanity throughout recorded history. But whilst philosophers, scientists and theologians have spent millenia gazing at the stars there was never any concrete proof of intelligent life outside of our solar system.

WE Are Not Alone

Synopsis: The question whether we are alone in the universe has remained the number one question in the minds of humanity throughout recorded history. But whilst philosophers, scientists and theologians have spent millenia gazing at the stars there was never any concrete proof of intelligent life outside of our solar system.

Until 2020….

Fast forward to today. The US government have confirmed what so many of us already knew to be true. There are craft visiting us, from unknown origins, performing maneuvers in the sky impossible to have been made by man. The world’s leading scientists are discovering thousands of exoplanets, similar to ours, scattered across our galaxy & people, in the millions are coming forward to discuss their personal UFO & ET contact experiences as they gaze at the stars and try to initiate contact using CE5.

In 2023 it is no longer weird to say that you believe there is life on other planets. We are NOT alone. That’s a fact so now we want to know who are flying these craft & most importantly what do the occupants want from humanity?

Ufologists and contactees around the world say that they are all receiving the same message, so what is it? What do these beings want and is humanity ready to step up to the plate and answer their call?

Follow investigative film maker Serena DC (Contact – The CE5 Experience) and Michael Mazzola (the creator of Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind & Unacknowledged) as they travel across the USA meeting with the world’s leading Ufologists including Dr. Steven Greer, Jacques Vallee, Jim Martin, Paola Harris, Daniel Sheehan, Jim Myers and more, plus the most prolific Extraterrestrial Contactees to discover who these beings are and what their urgent message is for humanity.

Mentored by Dr. Steven Greer, Serena has used CE5 to make contact with ET’s but aside from seeing amazing UFOs and orbs of light. On this journey she hopes to learn the many methods these experts use to make contact with ET’s so she experiments with CE5 along the way and captures some awe inspiring UFO footage of her own.

At the end of their journey both Michael & Serena agree that there is one clear message that these beings have for humanity and it is the most important message humanity will ever hear

We Are Not Alone is a call to action for all humanity to step up and hear the call from our galactic brothers and sisters that time is up for planet earth unless we make some significant changes to the way we live our lives, right now!

We Are Not Alone Official Trailer

1920×1080 pro res HQ Format: 23.97
Aspect ratio: 16:9 TRT: 83 minutes Color: Rec 709

Genre: Documentary Camera: Blackmagic 6k Audio: 8-channel (stereo)


I've been a fan of horror and slasher movies for as long as I can remember. I consider the original Halloween to be the best horror movie of all time and my guilty pleasure horror flick would be The Exorcist III. You can find me on X at @406Northlane or TikTok @406Northlane where I'm sure I'll offend you at least once a day.

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