October 7, 2024

‘Bears on a Ship’ Dock at L.A. Comic Con October 6th

BEARS ON A SHIP will be premiering a brand new trailer at the L.A Comic Con. The event will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and the panel is Sunday, October 6 at 2pm.

Bears on a Ship Still

The film is directed by Eduardo Castrillo (Seven Lost, Cowboys vs Samurai vs Werewolves) and stars Derek Crowe, Michael Grayson, Erin Nolan, Diana Bukowska, Christopher Wilson, David Jon Foster, Sherill Quinn, Samantha Aper, Jo’nez Cain Lewis, Derrick Hogan, Krystal Shay, Ray Ruiz, Matt Fuentes, Nick Ryan, Arturo Rangel, Jose Padilla, Jose Palacios, and Mike Jarrod.

Cast and Crew will be there signing and giving out free swag for all attendees who come to the panel.

Bears on a Ship Synopsis

During an airline strike in Mexico, a group of stranded passengers decide to take a ship voyage back home to the United States. Unbeknownst to them however, are two more passengers aboard that ship. More specifically; Man-eating bears!

Bear on a Ship from Uncia Films – Support the film on Indiegogo:

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