February 16, 2025

Ghostbusters 3 Leaked Script Ends Up At Bloody Disgusting

UPDATE:  Scaretissue.com has also obtained a copy of the leaked script.  You can read it yourself here at GHOSTBUSTERS 3.

“Those guys, Danny and Harold [Ramis], were at the top of their game [for the first movie]. They were burning nitro at that moment. Unless you have a really clear vision, you’re always trying to recreate that.”

Ghostbusters 3

Earlier this October, Bill Murray uttered those words when explaining why a Ghostbusters 3 film never took off (despite numerous scripts).  It’s been 25 years since we’ve seen the famous foursome on screen, and unfortunately if we get to see another incarnation of the group, it will be without Harold Ramis (who passed away in February).  Allegedly, scripts have included Dr. Peter Venkman “haunting” his old mates.  Others have included the ghostbusters traveling to another dimension (much like the video game released for PS2/PS3/XBox 360 in 2009).  Most have included a “next generation” to battle next to the founding members.

It looks like the film is full steam ahead as it has an IMDB pagea director, and ladies lining up to be cast in the roles.  Director Paul Feig tweeted “It’s official. I’m making a new Ghostbusters & writing it with @katiedippold & yes, it will star hilarious women. That’s who I’m gonna call.” in February of this year.  Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis have writing credits on the film currently, but no word as to how much input Akroyd will have on the final script.  Instead, Parks and Recreation/Mad TV/The Heat writer Katie Dippold is working with Feig on the script…and it looks like our friends at Bloody-Disgusting.com got a hold of one of the drafts.

This is their COMPLETE spoiler filled narrative of the script.  It will have to change with the passing of Ramis (and probably has many times over as this script is dated in 2009) so I wonder if they will consider having a “cameo”  depicting Egon.  I also like how they are involving Oscar (the baby from Ghostbusters 2).  I’m almost guessing that (with Egon gone) Ray is struggling the most or conducting experiments with his best friend from beyond the grave.  Ghostbusters 3 is projected to come out in 2016.

The script opens with a prologue similar to the first Ghostbusters. Two museum security guards are walking down a narrow hallway at night, boring each other with droll chit-chat. They turn a corner to see objects floating about, aimed right for them. An apparition appears, with long arms and legs and no face. It’s speaks some kind of ancient incantation, then attacks.

Cut to a hyper-stylized commercial for Ghostbusters, Inc. -complete with obnoxious dub step version of the classic theme song. The rag-tag business started by the original guys is now run like any other corporation, with shit-eating CEO TODD PRENDAGHAST in charge. How loathsome is Todd? He keeps SLIMER in a glass-walled containment unit as a trophy.

Theirs is a very high-tech approach to busting – think all the extraneous tech and touch screens shown on “CSI” and the like. The days of scorching buildings and furniture with proton packs is over. How did it get this way?

Years ago, when DR. RAY STANTZ and DR. EGON SPENGLER were the last vestiges of the original crew, Ghostbusters went public. Then an “incident” occurred during a bust that led them to destroy the Triborough Bridge. The collateral damage was tremendous, but they saved the city. Still, Ray and Egon were forced out of their positions by the board members of Ghostbusters, Inc., demoted to the lowly position of “freelance classifications.” Essentially what they do now is act as first responders when people call. They investigate the phenomenon and advise Todd how to proceed.

The problem is Todd doesn’t want to listen to them. That slender man looking bastard from the prologue? This is the fourth or fifth time he’s been spotted and his attacks are getting progressively more aggressive. Egon has classified the being as a ‘Class-5 Cross-Dimensional Snatcher.’ But Todd won’t listen. And Ray is boiling over with resentment.

Him and Egon work with OSCAR BARRETT, the son of DR. PETER VENKMAN and DANA BARRETT (a story that Bloody Disgusting exclusively broke years ago). She acted as a single mother while Venkman was off being elected as mayor of NYC. After the Triborough Bridge incident, he used an anti-Ghosbuster ballot to be reelected. Since then, he hasn’t spoken to his old friends. Resentment runs deep through the bulk of this script.

Venkman is a hands-off type of mayor. He likes being on TV, but when he has to actually take responsibility for something, he’s at a loss for words (there’s a lot of Bill Murray’s deadpan quirks played with here). His savior at times is JANINE MELNITZ, who now acts as his secretary and chief advisor (sadly, LOUIS TULLY is nowhere to be found).

As Venkman is assaulted with questions over the slender man ghost at a press conference, he caves in and must take action. He reunites with Ray, Egon, and WINSTON ZEDDMORE (who’s a mechanic at Ghostbusters, Inc.) in Todd’s office.

Remember “Tobin’s Spirit Guide”? It’s the book referenced in the first Ghostbusters while they were researching Zuul. Here Ray uses it to conclude that the slender man spirit is WOLFRAM VON GRAUEN, one of the head architects of the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. Hundreds of people vanished during the fair, possibly sacrificed in the basement of a building Von Grauen owned. The vile man was eventually thrown in an insane asylum on Staten Island. His belongings were auctioned off by the police and now his spirit is being drawn to them.

Amazed that Ray and Egon figured it out so soon while Todd sat on his ass doing nothing about it, Venkman ousts Todd from his CEO position and reinstates Ray and Egon. What follows is a montage aimed at pushing the fans’ nostalgia buttons. A lot of imagery from the first two films appears, including a polished off Ecto-1. Ray even lets Slimer out of the containment unit, leading to a heartwarming and gooey reunion.

They fire all of the new Ghostbusters, Inc. recruits and bring in three fresh faces (PARKER, WILLIAMS, TRACY). Cannibalising the new technology, Egon creates all-new proton packs that are more powerful (and destructive) than ever before. They pinpoint the location of Von Grauen’s cursed items: the Brundelheim Institute on Staten Island, the former asylum Von Grauen was held at (where else would it be, duh). Winston travels there with the new recruits while Ray and Egon advise via radio. They find a secret room in the basement, where Oscar’s presence sets off Von Grauen’s spirit. Turns out the youngest Barrett has the same affinity for attracting negative psycokinetic energy that his mom Dana does.

Von Grauen’s power is used to unleash the Ghostbuster’s biggest foe yet. It’s essentially a Cthulhu monster that’s been dwelling under the ocean – tentacles and all. It’s even referred to as an “elder god.”

The epic final battle sees the national guard, NYPD, recently fired employees of Ghosbusters, Inc., and the guys all blowing away at the immense creature. The NYC skies are lit up with gunfire and proton beams. They manage to slow the behemoth down, but the only way to stop it…you guessed it.

They have to cross the streams. Knowing that it could kill them, Venkman makes the first selfless act he’s made in years and takes Oscar’s place. Even that bastard Todd steps up to lay his life down for the city. They manage to lure the creature to a prime spot near a skyscraper. There, the guys take one final sentimental look at one another and light it up. A bright white super beam plows into the creature and his guts and bile rain down on the city. They’ve slain the beast and saved the city once again. Only this time it cost them their lives.

Cut to an undisclosed time in the near future. Ghostbusters, Inc. is going stronger than ever, with Winston in a high-paying position. Oscar is still working there as well. One night, Janine is working late and as she’s walking down the hall, she comes across the ghosts of Venkman, Ray, and Egon playing cards…


I love horror movies, and I have since I was young. My favorite genre is the zombie genre, but it has completely been overdone in the last few years. I'm not a big fan of the horror movie formula, and I love it when a director turns it on its head. Please follow me on twitter (@_trapjaw_) and like me on facebook (scaretissuetrapjaw) for updates and to be immediately informed of new posts/projects.

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