Enigma is written, directed, produced and starring Harley Wallen (Investigation Discovery’s Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda) and also stars Dennis Haskins (Saved by the Bell), TJ Storm (Godzilla: King of the Monsters), Bella Shepherd (Orange is the New Black), Kris Reilly (Bennett’s Song), Joe Piazza (A Bennett Song Holiday) and Kaiti Wallen (Betrayed). Two Detectives (Piazza and Reilly) are searching for clues to some very unique murders. Anna (Kaiti Wallen) finds her faith in her search to clear her friend and a very bad man (Harley Wallen) make up the main characters to this thriller.
“This was such a fun film to work on, and the feedback has been great! The most common things I heard so far has been “what a great ride” and “this could totally become a cult film! The story is such a trip with a mixture of thriller and comedic touches, I’m looking forward to seeing this on the market,” said Wallen.
To learn more about Enigma check out the links below: