In some of the biggest nonsense I’ve heard lately: Shinji Mikami’s upcoming survival horror game The Evil Within — known as Psycho Break in Japan — is clearly a hotly anticipated game both here and overseas. Unfortunately, those who reside in Japan will either have to endure a censored version of the game or preorder it to gain access to The Gore Mode DLC, which unlocks all of the blood and viscera you could ever want.
The Evil Within – Preorder For Gore
The news comes from ZeniMax Asia general manager Tetsu Takahashi, who confirmed the existence of the DLC in an interview with Famitsu. The reasoning behind it is so the game could get Japan’s 17-and-up Cero D rating. With the red and squishy bits enabled, the rating would be a Cero Z (for ages 18 and up), and that limits its potential sales.
No word on whether this is preorder exclusive DLC or if they’ll be charging for it, but I’d be surprised if it was either. It’s worth noting that The Evil Within will play exactly the same with or without its copious amounts of gore.