February 10, 2025

The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale Recap & Thoughts

The mid-season finale of AMC’s The Walking Dead aired last night.  And while we don’t do regular recaps here on ScareTissue.com, I figured I’d chime in today.

The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale

SPOILER ALERT: This post WILL talk openly about the events of the show last night and of the timeline of the comics.  You’ve been warned. 

Thoughts on the mid season finale? Personally I thought it was just about perfect. The prison has served us well, but it really was time to move on. Life was becoming too “mundane” once they had their security essentially taken care of.

Hershel’s death was tragic, but long overdue in my book. He was given the comic version of Tyreese’s death here (with Governor chopping his head off in front of the prison). I’m glad they decided to allow Tyreese to live on past his run in the books as now I have no idea where that character will go.

Speaking of comic / tv differences… very pumped that Darrel made it out alive. I didn’t expect that to happen, but I’m guessing that since he’s such a HUGE character in the tv world he’ll live on for quite some time.

I’ve read quite a bit of speculation that Little Asskicker / Judith is still alive and well out there. I don’t think that’s the case. This is right where she died in the books (along with Lori) but I just can’t see them putting that scene on TV even though it is AMC. If we see her again (and that’s a big if in my book) it’ll be years down the road with an “all grown up” Judith.

The scene where Rick / Carl are leaving the prison and Rick says “Don’t look back” comes almost panel for panel from issue 48. Nice homage. I’ve also read quite a bit where people are worried that we’re nearing the “end” of The Walking Dead. The comics are currently in the 120’s so we’ve got plenty of source material to pilfer from should they choose to go that route.

My one (slight) complaint was the handling of The Governor’s “death”. I say death in quotes only because we didn’t see the kill shot. In the comics he was ripped limb from limb and it was definitive. And while I LOVED that Michone got the last laugh and left him there to die, I could see some sort of tv BS where he shows up later and we see a flashback scene of how he wasn’t actually shot. That would suck.

All in all a tremendous episode… and now we’ve got to wait till February. Damn.

Did you see the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead?  What’d you think?

Buy The Walking Dead: Season 4


I've been a fan of horror and slasher movies for as long as I can remember. I consider the original Halloween to be the best horror movie of all time and my guilty pleasure horror flick would be The Exorcist III. You can find me on X at @406Northlane or TikTok @406Northlane where I'm sure I'll offend you at least once a day.

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