It’s quickly approaching, and we at are pumped to be part of the 2014 Eerie Horror Film Festival. If you’re not in Erie, PA next weekend…GET THERE. It’s shaping up to be an awesome festivaland it kicks off with a special concert by Here Come the Mummies. Between films, please check out the vendor area where we’ll be giving away various items and just sucking in the atmosphere.
Today, I would like to showcase a genre that is one of my favorites: short films.
(Note: Many short films do not have as much marketing as the features do. I did my best in compiling this information so if I missed something or got something wrong, please feel free to CONTACT us with more information. As there are 25 total short films that will show at the festival, I previewed the first half last week.)
Eerie Horror Film Fest Lineup Part 2
Awaiting Lazarus
Gave Up the Ghost
Grave Shivers
The Heebie Jeebies
The Match-Maker
My Date With Adam
The Only Man
Playing with the Devil
Ruby’s Skin
The Eerie Horror film fest will also include student films The Dare and Star.