(Freddy) and Kane Hodder (Jason) faced off on the internet (sort of) in 2009. They decided to torture Michael Myers’ niece (Danielle Harris) and some other people in the name of science .
In case you missed it, Fear Clinic premiered as a web series on Fearnet.com in the summer of 2009. Directed by Robert Green Hall, this series is quite dark and quite fun. Each episode is only 6-9 minutes, but it manages to tell quite a compelling story through effective writing and allusions.
People from all over the world seek out the help of Dr. Andover (Robert Englund). He specializes in helping people get over there fears by strapping them into this demented isolation chamber that looks like a coffin with a form fitting plastic mask on it. Once inside the patients’ fears come to life, and reality is blurred. It is twistedly awesome.
Imagine my surprise to find out that this series is being turned into a movie, and Robert Englund is on board. What makes this even better is that they are shooting the movie in Medina, OH (which is only 45 minutes from me!). The film is currently in pre-production, and filming is supposed to start next month. They are financing it through donations on indiegogo.com, and donations come with some great swag (Scaretissue Edit: The film has been fully financed and completed filming in 2013. It has been picked up by Anchor Bay for an October 2014 theatrical release.).
I’ve compiled the 5 episodes into this link and given a brief synopsis for each (tried to not spoil anything, but…). I binge watched them, and bet many of you will do the same. This movie needs to be made.
Episode 1 – Hydrophobia
The first patient is a young man by the name of Brett (Lucas Till) He suffers from hydrophobia (fear of water) because of a “traumatic event when he was young”. Dr. Andover places him inside the machine, and the ghosts of his past resurface (much to his dismay).
Episode 2 – Scotophobia
There are 4 other patients currently at Dr. Andover’s clinic, and we are introduced to them in Episode 2. The star of this segment is Danielle Harris who has been terrorized by Michael Myers, Victor Crawley, and Roseanne Barr in the past. It’s no surprise that she suffers from scotophobia (fear of the dark) because of these events. The images from this episode will give you nightmares.
Episode 3 – Entomophobia
Jackie (Kate Nauta) fears bugs (entomophobia). Her biggest fear is that a bug will lay an egg inside her body, and she will be eaten alive by the infestation. By far the most graphic episode, this one also treats us to an unexpected face: Kane Hodder.
Episode 4 – Mysophobia
The patients’ fears are physically manifesting themselves now, and Ajax (John F. Beach) is an appropriate name for a man with mysophobia (fear of germs). This one left me confused but smiling (which is always good) with plenty of scenes where the actors revisited prior roles for inspiration.
Episode 5 – Claustrophobia
Tory Kittles stars in the final episode as a former gang member that now suffers from claustrophobia (fear of enclosed places). It also wraps up the story thus far (and sets up the movie which begins shooting in December).
A perfect blend of horror and intrigue are established in this series and I expect great things from this movie. The style and pace remind me of the first season of American Horror Story (which introduces a new ghost every episode while tying a much larger story together). The effects are good for the most part, and the actors are all veterans that know how a horror movie should be made. Claustrophobia was my favorite as it was a perfect conclusion, but Scotophobia was just downright scary.
These are definitely worth a look. You can contribute to the movie here for the next 6 days (November 18, 2013). For $55, Robert Englund (Freddy) will call you on Skype! Luckily, the movie is shooting near Cleveland so I will be hoping that Santa gives me an early present so that I may have lunch with the cast for $200. Follow Fear Clinic on Twitter or on Facebook for more updates, and remember to face your fears.
Unfortunately, they might just face you back.
UPDATE: Fear Clinic has added another “reward” to their kickstarter campaign: for $350, you can be in the movie as an extra. There’s only 5 spots, and I guarantee that every horror fan on this planet would love to say “I’m in a movie with Freddie and Jason”.
UPDATE2: (From http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3265309/fear-clinic-loses-danielle-harris-gains-fiona-dourif/) Almost Human Effects founder and director Robert Hall will start shooting Fear Clinic next month after a successful crowdfunding campaign. We’ve known for a while that Robert Englund will star in the film (reprising his role of Dr. Andover from the series), and that’s still the case. However, it appears as though Danielle Harris and Kane Hodder are no linger in the film.
Instead, the talented Fiona Dourif (pictured above; Curse Of Chucky) will be appearing alongside Thomas Dekker (“The Sarah Connor Chronicles”). Cleopatra Coleman (Step Up: Revolution, Silversun) is also joining the cast. The screenplay was written by Aaron Drane and Hall, and is produced my Mark B Johnson.
The film, “opens with a tragedy that launches five people into the public eye and enlists Dr. Andover to lend his expertise to help them overcome trauma-induced phobias. A year later, terrifying ‘aftershocks’ rattle the survivors, leading to them finding their way back to the fear clinic seeking answers. As they line up for another turn in the chamber, Dr. Andover believes that something more sinister may be at work.”
Holy shit! I just realized Lisa Wilcox was in these… where the hell have I been! Alice Johnson (The Dream Master) and Krueger back together again?!?! EPIC!!!
Yes. Yes she is.
I was talking to Aaron Drane yesterday (writer), and he was telling me that he wrote each of these in a different horror style. I don’t think I realized that at the time, but on a second watch, I do. He’s a helluva talent, and the movie is going to be awesome.