Obsession with having a baby has taken a whole new twist in this short film directed by Chris and Robert Smellin. We find Jenny (actress Wendy Bos) will take extreme measures to find the perfect man to procreate with. In all honesty, I found this short film to be boring.
I recently attended the Phoenix Film Festival and had a chance to sit through dozens of short films. So… I’m very aware that no matter how much time is allotted a film, it can turn out great. A story can develop plot, capture the audience and be riveting enough to either:
A) Make them wanting more or
B) Leave them feeling satisfied.
For myself… all I can do in this case is walk away from this short film and say, “Thank God it only lasted 15 minutes.”
Chewie’s Thoughts
This portion of the review WILL talk openly about the plot of this short film. You’ve been warned.
I’m really into these baby / pregnancy flicks lately. In case you don’t know, my wife is 37 weeks pregnant as of today so I’m being drawn to stuff like She’s Having A Baby!, Devil’s Due and Utero. Not sure if it’s always been the case but I’m seeing quite a few of these pop up lately.
I actually really enjoyed this one. Not sure if it’s a guy / gal thing, but for me I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly we were shown just how much of a whack job this chick was. The fact that she’s got a rack that won’t quit doesn’t hurt, but I don’t want to fall into THAT stereotype 😉 Putting myself into Simon’s shoes I simply can’t imagine how he’s feeling. Talk about mixed emotions!
What did bug me was the logistics of the whole thing. This story clearly takes time but there are some convenient things that just sort of “happen”. Simon’s bonds are shown to be loosening in one scene and then a while later miraculously he’s able to free himself. Are we to believe in all the time that’s passed she’s not let him loose to take a piss? Wouldn’t she have re-tied the ropes at that point? It may be a nit picky thing but those sort of contrivances always bother me.
For more info on She’s Having A Baby! check out the official She’s Having A Baby! Facebook page. When / if the film makers make it available ScareTissue.com will add the full film here for viewing pleasure.
This is one of the things that I LOVE about reviewing films (horror or otherwise). Two people can watch the same flick and have vastly different takes on it, neither of them being right or wrong.
I’d love to hear from someone else who has seen it to “break the tie” so to speak.