Who doesn’t love Halloween? Costumes, pumpkins and enough sweets to scare off your dentist! It’s not all face paints and kids games though. If you don’t feel like joining the other three hundred Zombies from Michael Jackson’s Thriller at your local bar, check out these party games for grownups, and see how long you can survive!
Murder Bingo
Put on your goriest horror film and drink every time someone dies! You can also make it more interesting by adding additional rules, E.g. Chug every time someone screams, take a tequila shot every time the phone/torch inevitably stops working! As many clichés as you can think of!
Alcoholic Apple Bobbing
Fill a huge bowl with apple cider, and put 6 apples in the bowl. Carve numbers 1-6 into the apples and then roll a dice for each player to choose the apple they must get. For every number rolled that has already been taken out of the bowl, everyone has to take a shot.
Pin the Knife in the Victim!
Like pin the tail on the donkey, only gorier! Get a life size doll or cardboard cut-out and a plastic knife. Blind fold the player and see if they can get the knife in the right place.
Zombie Piñata
Make a Papier Mache’ zombie, fill with red sweets and give everyone their weapon of choice.
First one to laugh, drinks.
Find the absolute worst horror film you can and watch it as long as possible. Everyone has to keep a straight face, and every time somebody laughs, they take a drink. First person to complain/criticize has to chug a pint!
Blood Red Russian Roulette
Create a circle of six glasses, to represent a revolver. Fill 5 glasses in the circle with Bloody Mary (Tomato Juice & Vodka) and one glass with hot sauce and tequila. Are you brave enough?
Got another Halloween game that you play? Leave us a comment and let us know!