February 11, 2025

Who Goes There Podcast Watches Wolfcop

Wolfcop (2014)About a month ago, we announced a brand new partnership with the Who Goes There?! Podcast.  The guys over there have been doing a wonderful program since 2013, and they are a great addition to the Scaretissue brand.

Wolfcop exploded onto the horror scene last month.  It’s been generally reviewed well, but there has been some discussion as to how memorable it will be.  Well, our friends over at Who Goes There?! took a shot at answering that question with the help of Condemned bassist Ryan Reidy.

Wolf sex. That’s right, we talk about wolf sex. All that talk about not drinking beer flew right out the window, and we got nice and drunk with our buddy Ryan Reidy of death metal band Condemned to talk about 2014’s Wolfcop. Now, I could give you an idea of the things we discuss, but I think letting you loose to take this wild ride blind is much more fun. Trust us, it gets a little…hairy. You see what I did there? There’s a bad man in our house, it’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 38!

Next time around we’ll be taking a look at down under zombie flick Wyrmwood! Check it out and play along with us! While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

If you’re not subscribed to the show, you can check out the stream below (or find more great shows at whogoestherepodcast.com).

(By the way guys, the answer to your question was Alyssa Milano in Embrace of the Vampire.)

Also, check out a sample of Condemned’s music.  You can find more about the band on their official facebook page.


I love horror movies, and I have since I was young. My favorite genre is the zombie genre, but it has completely been overdone in the last few years. I'm not a big fan of the horror movie formula, and I love it when a director turns it on its head. Please follow me on twitter (@_trapjaw_) and like me on facebook (scaretissuetrapjaw) for updates and to be immediately informed of new posts/projects.

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