Attack of the Alien Jelly Monsters from the Depths of Uranus is a horror comedy from director Justin Soponis and writer Bo Buckley coming June 25, 2024 from Bayview Entertainment. The outrageous film features Jack Abele, Johnny Blanton and Terrie Batson who’s starred in films like Cybrg” with Jean Claude Van Damme, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II.
Attack of the Alien Jelly Monsters from the Depths of Uranus Synopsis
Captain Jack and his band of intergalactic bounty hunters thought they’d seen it all. But when they crash land on Earth in pursuit of a dangerous space felon, they find that the south really is one of the dirtiest places in the universe. When their quarry begins to hunt them its up to Jack, his team, and a couple of good ole boys to sober up, quit chasing earth tail, and act like heroes! Easier said than done…
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