February 11, 2025

Playing Possum by Stephanie Rabig

Evil is Done… Playing Possum

Playing Possum is a novella by Stephanie Rabig that I recently had the pleasure of reading. Aside from the awesome cover, by Kealan Patrick Burke (which reminds me of those Paperbacks from Hell I recently wrote about), the story is an all out animal vs. man tale. The possums in this small Kansas town have gone rabid, attacking anything in their path.

Playing Possum

If you love the classic tale of townspeople kicking ass, then you will definitely enjoy this. I really admired the way that Rabig took that trope and made it current. The main characters in love are lesbians, another character encounters some uncomfortable racism, and the chief of police is a woman, just to name a few of the qualities that make this story relatable in this era. The reader cares about the characters, even the minor ones. Who will save the day in this tale? That is for you, the reader, to find out!

I would recommend this book to people who want a nice, quick paced story, with meaningful dialogue, and ferocious possums. The other great thing about this book is that it is a Creature Feature For Charity, with all proceeds going to the World Wildlife Fund.

Happy Reading!

The Weevil Dead

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