February 6, 2025

St. Rooster Books

I recently received a collection of works published by St. Rooster Books, owned and operated by Tim Murr.

St Rooster Books

The best thing about these awesome stories is that they are able to be read in one sitting!

Get your quick fix with these tales, and also dabble in the longer ones as well! I was able to get through the majority of these quick tales over the past few days. Also the cover art is fantastic and unique. I really do not own a single book that looks or reads like any of these. Reading one of these books is like watching Class of 1984, shock value, and punks all the way up. The characters are well thought out. I could read 100 more pages about these people!

The stories I received in the mail are:

The Blind Dead Ride Out of Hell by Tim Murr and William Tea

A New Life by Paul Lubaczewski

The Gray Man by Tim Murr

My Skull is Full of Black Smoke

Kids of the Black Hole: A Punksploitation Anthology: Edited by Tim Murr

Blood and Mud by John Baltisberger

My favorites so far are Blood and Mud, Kids of the Black Hole, and The Gray man.

The best thing about Blood and Mud is not only the Jewish mysticism, which is so fascinating, but that fact that a bunch of white supremacists finally get their due. Never have I read a novelette like this. Revenge is so sweet.

Next we have Kids of the Black Hole, in which punks are running wild, Ronald Regan zombies attack, chaos ensues! The point being in these stories, punk bands are in for A NIGHT. People are not what they seem.

Last we have The Gray Man. Something about Tennessee, dysfunctional families, and haunted houses just go together so well. This is a very real story, aside from the haunted house crazy, this feels like a family you know. When I said earlier that you feel like you are there with the characters, and can picture their life, this is exactly the book I mean. Murr knows how to write a twist.

These stories are excellent for our time right now. When you want to get away from reality and have time for something 
quick to read, but down Twitter, and pick up some books from St. Rooster Books!

Happy Reading!

The Weevil Dead

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